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Support Adults

Our support team bring young people to camp and support the young leaders.


I have grown up in Mount Morgan, doing a range of different jobs. I got into working with young people while running the local Youth Centre and found that I was okay at it. We founded MAD to fill a spot of need for the area and it has been an amazing program. My favourite quote is "

 I enjoy playing Wheelchair Basketball & Rugby and listening to music by artists such as Alice Cooper.


My name is Leigh Anne McManus I work as a youth worker at, Rosedale State high School, GinGin State High School and Isis district High School in Childers. My favourite song is arm and arm together just like we use to be.I sang this with my mum and now sing it with my daughter. My favourite movie wow, I have so many anything with Robin Williams" Patch Adams." I came to camp to support a young person who was from one of my schools. To make sure they were not a bunch of weirdos?I stayed because now I am one of the weirdos. No seriously I could see the amazing transformation in the young people around me and could not help but be compelled to help in anyway that I could. I also found a sense of belonging to a family. Which for me was really lacking as an only child who has lost both parents living away from my country of origin New Zealand. MAD are my family!!!! Quote "You got to get up every morning with a smile on your face and show the world all the love in your heart and people gonna treat you better you gonna find yes you will that your beautiful as you feel." Carole King 


I am Terrence James Hawes and I live in Bundaberg QLD. I am a School Chaplain working within Rosedale State School and North Bundaberg State High School. I work with children from prep to year 12. A quote I like is "Worry is like trying for quick getaway on a wooden horse". My favourite movie is The Worlds Fastest Indian and my favourite song is Amazing Grace. I was conned into getting involved with MAD by Cheryl Perry. MAD is the most powerful youth oriented organisation I have ever been involved with.


Support person from Bundaberg. I am a youth worker at Kepnock State High School and an important part of the MAD family.

The MAD Cooks

The program wouldn't be successful without the dedication of the MAD Cooks. Food for the heart and soul. The hard work and love the young people receive from this amazing lady is priceless! 

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